Affiliate Disclosure

I honestly hope you enjoy the content provided on this website. In all honesty, it takes a lot of time to research a topic, checking to see if the topic is really legitimate, and a lot of effort to test out the product, before releasing an honest feedback on that product. And in order to keep the site running, affiliate links are involved.

Affiliate Links

Affiliate Links

Some blog posts and pages on iEarnToday might have affiliate links. If they do, there will be an indication if it has affiliate links involved.

Commitment to You

Commitment to You

While earning from affiliate links, rest assured that the recommendations and reviews are founded on genuine insights and experiences with the product. Another thing to note is that the affiliate links provided from a post, will be relevant to that specific topic.



I’m just a human, I’m simply just sharing an honest review, and experiences of the products I have personally tested. But one things for sure, I will try to make the reviews, as thorough and honest, as much as possible.

Thanks for the support,


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